

Economy Award of the President of Poland


Both the high quality of products and activities of the FAKRO Company itself have been repeatedly recognized. Among our many awards, one which deserves celebrating above the rest is the winning of the Economy Award by the President of Poland. Especially as we have won this not once, but twice. The first time in 2003 for our particular contribution to building the prestige of the Polish economy in the markets of the European Union” and again in 2011 for our “presence in the global market.”




Promotional Emblem - "Teraz Polska" 1996


"Distinguished Polish Exporter"


A list of prestigious awards and honours - FAKRO



HST-Sky Innoview FAKRO terrace door awarded Red Dot Award: Product Design 2019


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A list of prestigious awards and honours - FAKRO

German Design Award Winner 2019 to an extraordinary DXW “walkable” flat roof window. Type G flat roof windows and new products in the range of FAKRO – INNOVIEW vertical windows

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A list of prestigious awards and honours - FAKRO

DXW flat roof window and INNOVIEW vertical windows awarded “ICONIC AWARDS 2018: Innovative Architecture - Best of Best"

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A list of prestigious awards and honours - FAKRO

DXW window awarded Architects' Darling Awards 2017


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A list of prestigious awards and honours - FAKRO

DEF U6 flat roof window awarded Red Dot Design 2016


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A list of prestigious awards and honours - FAKRO

DXW window wins the Archiproducts Design Award 2016


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